Portfolio > 2D & 3D Design

3D Design
3D Design

3-D Design
Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, LA

Assignment: Boxes
The first day of class I have the students bring in a cardboard box, approx. the size of their head. On poster board, they create a pattern of their box exactly half the original size. Next, I have them design a 7-sided form from a single pattern using the same method. From there, they are required to make 25 replicas of their 7-sided form, which we use in-class for several exercises (creating an urban landscape, creating industrial, etc.). I also have them use their forms to construct examples of symmetrical and asymmetrical forms.
Then, as a basic introduction to shop equipment, they re-create their form in wood. They make a wooden mold of their original form, which is then cast 5 times in plaster. For the final step in the assignment, they are challenged to carve their plaster forms to reflect an evolution/transformation of form.