Portfolio > Flathead Valley Community College (FVCC) 2008-2013

Ceramic Sculpture: Tools & Techniques
Ceramic Sculpture: Tools & Techniques

This course addresses issues in Ceramics that are not usually covered in Introductory-level classes. I encourage students to work beyond a bag of commercially mixed clay and an electric kiln – students explore clay and glaze formulation, especially the use of natural materials (wood ash, indigenous clay bodies, river silt for slips, etc.).
Students learn to mix their own clay bodies, and utilize a variety of additives – paper clay, deflocculated clay bodies, wedging organic materials into clay to create texture after the firing, etc. Students also explore mold making, both for casting ceramics and non-ceramic materials (for example, in one assignment we create plaster molds for both clay and neoprene casting).

This student is learning how to create large 'armature' press-molds.
After the 2-part mold is made with a thin coat of plaster and burlap, the student can press out forms that can later be altered with additive or subtractive methods.